Delivery Information
As an online retailer it is extremely important to us to offer our customers fair and affordable shipping costs. With every order we aim to dispatch within one working day to ensure your items arrive with you as soon as possible.
However please allow for potential delivery delays during peak trading times and bank holidays. If you wish for your order to be prioritised for a certain occasion please do get in touch and we will be more than happy to help.
We offer four shipping options at the checkout.
1. UK Standard Delivery (2-5 working days after dispatch) £2.99
2. UK Express Delivery (1-2 working days after dispatch) £4.99
3. UK Standard Delivery Saver (12 months of unlimited deliveries) £11.99
4. UK Express Delivery Saver (12 months of unlimited deliveries) £19.99
Parcels to mainland England are shipped using a fully tracked service with Hermes/Evri. Parcels to Northern Ireland and Northern Scotland may be shipped via Royal Mail.
Please note that on some rare occasions, deliveries may be outside of these times due to unforeseen circumstances and extremely busy periods. You will receive a tracking number in your dispatch email so you can stay up to date with your parcels journey.
UK delivery only.
The Delivery Saver
As an online only business it is extremely important to us to offer our customers fair and affordable shipping costs. Therefore if you hate paying a lot for delivery and you are one of our regular customers then The Delivery Saver is for you!
Make a one off payment and receive free unlimited delivery for one whole year from date of purchase. This won't automatically renew.
We have two delivery options available to choose from:
Unlimited UK Standard Delivery on all orders for one year £11.99
(2-5 working days after dispatch)
Unlimited UK Express Delivery on all orders for one year £19.99
(1-2 working days after dispatch)
Simply choose which option suits you best at the checkout and you will then receive an email with your personalised free delivery discount code to use on future orders.
Enter this code at the checkout for every order you place for one whole year to receive free delivery!
If you forget to enter your free delivery discount code at any time please let us know and we will be happy to refund this for you.
If you have any questions please do get in touch.